Its cold in here! Even under my fleecy blanket and with my very tasteful stripy socks on. This might have something to do with the big snow storm that is due to arrive in town after midnight.
I suppose I have a different perspective from the average New Englander on this. I grew up in the South of England, where, for most of my life, I remember getting no more than an inch or two of snow, if that, and even then we didn't know what to do with it! A slight hint of sun, and we all run squealing into the freezing sea. Rain? We're the world experts at singing in it. But snow? Not so much.
Then I married a Rhode Islander... *insert appropriate incidental music* ... and moved to New England, Snowy Land of the Winter Snowfest. Over here, everything gets shoveled and plowed overnight, people own snow blowers and many a Facebook status claims to be 'excited' at the prospect of a snow storm. Maybe they have the right idea. Remember when you were a child, and looking out in the morning to see a world covered in white was the most exciting thing ever?
Well adjusted as my adopted home is to snow, it does still go SLIGHTLY mad before a big storm. Ask anyone who ventured into the supermarket today. Fighting your way through a store full of people who appear to be stocking up for about three years of living in their cellar, while wearing giant snow boots and forty two layers of clothing (the trick here is to start with your Christmas festive sweater, an essential in these parts, and gradually build layers until January) is all part of the fun!
As for me, I am looking forward to a day at home with my husband, who has a 'snow day' off work tomorrow. I am also hoping it is the right sort of snow for snowman building, a must for any creative type in this weather. I will post photos, watch this space.....
Stay warm, and safe, and don't forget to go out and play!
Nice post, looking forward to the snowman building! I'll get some use out of my new gloves..